Friday, April 20, 2012

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

I have bad facial hair and its stubbly. I have to shave it because its so bad. How can I make it go away? And my face breaks out (bad pimples) where I shave? HELP!

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

I'm not a fan of hair removal products like Nair and Veet--they burn my skin. And there's laser removal, but that can damage your skin and leave you discolored.

My two best options (because I've had this problem, too) are: 1. Have it waxed. It's less than twenty bucks, and will stay away for around three months. 2. Ask your doctor to test you for high levels of testosterone, and particularly for PCOS--Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS can cause many problems as big as ovarian cancer, infertility, and an inability to lose weight. It usually shows basic symptoms, such as missing and erratic periods and an excess of facial and body hair(due to excess testosterone being produced). However, some women with PCOS don't show any symptoms.

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

You should not shave you should get it wax. After you wax you should go home and exfoliate.

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

wax it...or lazer hair removal..shaving your face is what men do..not women

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

ew wax that **** lol j/p or consider lasic hair removal

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

Don't shave...that's causing the stubble. You're better off either plucking or bleaching.

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

Your body is producing too much testosterone. Go to the doctor, you probably have a hormone inbalance of some kind. This will help alot with the facial hair.

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

u should use either a bleach or red wax

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

why not use sally hasen wax strips. they work for me. not bumps or stubbles. and they are gentle

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

oh wow you got a problem. You should go to an electrolocis. See what they can do. They might be able to remove the hair. And you shouldn't shave your face! At least wax it. When you wax it, it won't come out as stubbly. And since you're not gonna be shaving, the pimples might not come out. They come out because it means you have sensitive skin on your face so you can't shave it. Go to an electrolocis or wax. Hope my answer helpsé–³?br>How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

I know someone who had a similar problem. She shaved, waxed, tweezed, and had electrolysis, but to no avail.

What finally worked for her was laser hair removal, but it costs quite a bit.

How can you make facial hair (in a girl) grow less? Its stubbly.?

You can bleach or wax as the others have stated, but if your skin is delicate you shouldn't do those.

I would recommend threading. It's an Indian/Middle Eastern practice.

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