Thursday, April 26, 2012

Does using a bikini trimmer on your facial hair make it grow thicker or/and darker? i need to find a

I have tried waxing my facial hair, but my mom wont do it for me and i need to find a way to take care of it myself. I have way too much hair to pluck it, and I cant afford electrolysis. Shaving is out of the question. HELP!!!!!

Does using a bikini trimmer on your facial hair make it grow thicker or/and darker? i need to find a solution!

Waxing is your best bet. Salons will do it for cheep.

The bikini trimmer thing is the same as shaving. If you get rid of the hair that way, it will eventually turn into a daily event AND you risk ingrown hairs (yuck and OUCH). When your hair grows back, it will be coarser/prickly until it grows out completely. Don't go there.

When you get older, save up for laser hair removal. It works best if the hair is dark and your skin is light.

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