Monday, April 23, 2012

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair and am about 158-162 pounds?

im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair and am about 158-162 pounds. i am hoping to reach a height of atleast 6'4. my parents are about 5'7 and 6'2.5. my dad who is 6'2.5 has a mom of about 5'3 and a dad of 5;10. my 21 yr old sister is about 5;7.5. im wondering if i will reach my desired height and gain weight. could i still be in puberty due to the lack of facial hair, chest, jair, and arm hair. i do have pubes lol, arm pit hair, and little leg hair, but i think i could grow till past my 20s. also i drink loads of milk and eat tons of food maybe 4000 cals a day. and although i am underweight i am extremely strong. bench 170 for 10 reps, and 235 max help me please.

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

Not to worry. When I was 16, I was 6' and barely had pubes. Didn't really have much facial hair until I was in my 20's. Eventually grew to be 6'5" and have the normal amount of body hair for an adult man and a heavy beard. Wish I could go back to not having to shave every day! Some guys are just late bloomers, despite the fact that they are tall. You'll probably keep on growing. Just stay healthy and let nature take it's course. Cheers!

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

that question is stupid, who cares about the other stuff. big deal no facial hair, if you want it just start shaving your bare skin, the more you shave the more it grows

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

everyone is different, some reach puberty early on, some don't until their almost 20%26gt; give your body time%26gt; it is still developing%26gt;

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

If you literally have about no facial hair then I doubt you will ever gain any. Don't factor that into puberty. Must just not have got the genes.

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

Despite you're 17 we notice a sort of ignorance about some topic. First, hair or height as well as any other body feature, comes out by genetic factors and then you can't change it thro nutrition! At last, at 17 your development almost will be getting its end.

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?


Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

your question is want facial hair start shaving every other day,shave your balls too.if you want too, i don't care..

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

don't complain about your facial hair.


Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

im not sure but i dont like guys with facial hair. so no worries!

Im 6'0- 6'1 and am 17 and 2 months i have no facial hair?

Disregard messages that say shaving will make your hair grow faster. That's bull! All you need is time and if your genetic code is programmed for hair then you will grow it.

My other thought is that if you are taking supplements for weight lifting, etc., you may be messing up your system with too many chemicals and an overabundance of some vitamins.

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