Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

being the lazy person that i am i hate shaving everyday, so i usually let my facial hair grow for a few days and this is how it looks( ), does it look good? or should i just do my best to shave daily lol...

Thanks in advance


Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

It doesn't look that bad; I like it.

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?


Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

stubble no.

The truth is, people secretly think whatever takes time and effort to maintain actually looks good.

Think about it, how many people like blondes with a dancer's figure ;p

time and effort.

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

youd look good with a soulpatch...anything else and i think it would be too much

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

Grow it or shave it...pick one (IMO)

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

thats no big deal, you can let it get that long without worrying about it..

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

that looks fine.. some girls like the scruffy look but a clean shave is nice too. i guess since you do shave at least every few days, you don't need to change anything. the pic doesn't look bad.

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

i didn't scope you're pic but try getting threaded. Indian salons do this, lots in nyc %26amp; nj

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

You look fine. Too much facial hair is a bad thing, but yours is fine.

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

If your single, don't worry about it. If you're in a relationship, your wife/girlfriend will get the impression that you don't care enough about them to make yourself look good for them.

Ladies i need your opinion on facial hair?

huh...ur an ugly lil fella, aren't you? i suggest shaving. my boyfriend doesn't shave EVERY day, and he's still sexy and i like it a little bit, but HE doesn't look like a grandma's behind. good luck with that.


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