Thursday, April 26, 2012

How much does laser hair removal typically cost (facial)?

I have an excessive amount of facial hair and Im tired of living inside because of the embarresment.

I need answers and help if you can.

Who should I see? (ive heard spas cost the most and shouldnt be considered)

How many treatments does it usually take? I know everyone is different, but.. how many treatments did it take for you?

How "permanant" is this?

Was it worth it for you?

I heard it works best on dark haired people with lighter skin?

Any info you can give me would be wonderful.

No info on waxing or home kits please. Been there done that. Ive had enough with the crap at cvs and other pharmacies.

How much does laser hair removal typically cost (facial)?

Well this might help. I have a friend of mine who is a transexual, so anything I tell you will be the most extreme since this person was once a man. He went to aplace in Cincinatti, Ohio. I do not know where you are from but I am sure there is one close to you. The treatments for the face were usually about 150 per visit and he was completely hairfree on the face in about 5 visits. As you said everyone is different so I do not know how much facial hair you mean, so it could possibly cost you less and take less treatments. As far as length, I am about 80 percent sure it is completely permanent, and I would think more so with a lady who is not by nature supposed to have facial hair. Either way I hope I have helped.

How much does laser hair removal typically cost (facial)?

$0.99 at the dollar store

How much does laser hair removal typically cost (facial)?

At my dermatologist's office, it's about 250 for laser hair removal. You have to let your facial hair grow in first, which is why I haven't done it yet. You can shave the hairs off just use witch hazel right after or you'll get bumps. I am curious to see everyone else's responses, because I would love to get it done I just can't let my facial hair grow in, that's embarrasing.

How much does laser hair removal typically cost (facial)?

Many plastic surgeons either do it or work with people who do it. It should be 200-300 dollars a visit, and can take anywhere from 3-5 visits to completely get rid of any hair, meaning it will never come back. I've never had it but an indian friend of mine had the same problems you have and loves it. She said it was pretty painless and was totally worth the financial investment. I'm not sure about the working better on light skin dark haired people, but it definitely worked well on my friend and will work for you, too!

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