my dad and every guy in my family has facial hair. im 16 and i really want a goatee dammit!(the sorta thing that the guy who plays aj on sopranos has). any help with whats wrong would be nice
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
Don't worry son. If you are fair your hair will not be as apparent as on a darker person. The age at which facial hair,as opposed to fluff,appears and shaving is required varies considerably.Some young men are well past 18 before their facial hair becomes noticeable.It will happen in time,just be patient.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
i didnt get my first hair till i was 18
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
Are you a guy?
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
Don't jinx yourself. Trust me, you don't want an arseload of facial hair to deal with.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
lol men!!
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
dude think yourself lucky shaving is a pain
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
Im 26 and Im just getting chest hair. Albeit, I have had facial hair for some time now. I was only fuzz at your age... nothing I wanted people to see. Shoot, unless you got a good plan, facial hair is not cool at all.
My dad was in his 30's before getting back hair... now hes a damn ape.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
shouldnt be too much longer, when you start gettin some hair start shaving, i know that sounds like its opposite but it trigger the hair to keep growing and it will come in thicker.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
theres nothing wrong with u..everyone is different so its pointless comparing urself to other family members..they may be darker than u or have stronger hair growth..dont'l come in good time..and then u will be sick of shaving it!!!
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
If you word questions like that, you'll get thrown off cos people will report you for bad language. Just a bit of advice. Everyones different, I'm well on in years and still couldn't grow a decent beard if I tried! Whatever will be will be, you can't make it grow, I'm afraid.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
why do u want facial hair most girls are attracted to guys without facial hair....i mean who wants to kiss a prickly face
its wierd.....
be Glad!!!!
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
I couldn`t wait to grow some sort of tashe when I was your age, that was until I realised I looked gay, anyway it`s a pain in the butt shaving every morning
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
~You're still growing, you just have to give it time. Even if you were growing hair, that's no guarantee you'll look anything like AJ.
Being a nurse doesn't make you more competent to answer a question about facial hair!
Hang in there young man.~
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
perhaps your body isn't ready yet to start growing hair... do you have other places??? if not, then you know your body isn't ready yet! don't worry, it'll come!!!
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
My friend is now growing enough for a goatee at the age of 30. My bf has been shaving since highschool. He says it sucks:
It's time-consuming, it grows too fast and the blades are expensive as hell. He tried the electric razor but it snags on his thick hair. He has to shave like every other day and get up earlier in the morning to have enough time for it!
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
Hi over the age of 21 and still waiting to shave properly in fact my mates think i am the lucky guy as the girls are always touching my face.
So relaxe nature will take it's course and enjoy the this time i do and know none of my friends who shave take the micky out of me in fact it is the other way round.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
well do U have american indian in your blood? Anyway, Facial hair @ 16, not sexy. I like a smooooth face. Once you have to shave, you have 2 every freggin day, just 2 look decent. Don't worry, no 1 knows where you shaved it off or if it isn't growing. If they corner U tell them it is cuz of the Black foot indian u have in U, skips evey 2 generations, and u might never get it. Man, I already blieve it myself. Shave the fine hairs off, and the hair the comes back is darker and more coarse. Due 2 it being new hair, and it hasn't lighten form sun xposure, and worn from friction, like the hair on legs and arms. But if it's not there it's not there.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
Nothing is wrong. You will just have to wait.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
I was in college before I started shaving, barely had pubes when I graduated from high school, relax it'll come soon enough.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
Lucky. You won't be saying that when you're bored of shaving.
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
my bro hasnt got facial hair yet and hes 17 dont be in a rush it takes time enjoy waking up in the morning and not having 2 rush and shave b4 running of 2 work/collage
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
loads of my mates dont have facial hair (we are all 16) i have it, but it is actually quite a pain having 2 shave all the time.....christ knows how im gunna do it for the rest of my life :s
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
Your hormones kicked in a few years ago but you are still waiting for some of 'em to get going. Immaturity, lack of education, illiterate, is it any wonder your hormones are slow.?
16,still no facial hair,watdfuxup?
In 10 years, when you're shaving every day or every other day, getting shaving rashes, buying razors and shaving gel, waking up late for work and realising that you forgot to shave the night before and you have to go to work looking like a tramp- you'll be wishing you were 16 and not shaving again.
Shaving's a pain in the ars.e.
As for when your beard'll come, I have mates who are in their mid 20s and all they get is a patchy beard on their cheeks and a bit of a moustache. I wouldn't worry so much about it if I were you.
Oh, and a lot of blokes with beards look really stupid, especially really young guys- it just screams 'look everyone- I'm a grown-up man! Honestly, I am! Look at me!'. Don't fall into that trap, fella- keep your dignity and you'll be able to look at photos of yourself in 20 years' time and not cringe.
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