Facial hair!
I want nice eyebrows, no hair below my eyes (you know near the cheek area) and a polished look. I'm a guy and no I'm not gay, I've just noticed the people who look more clean shaven get all the girls.
Can somebody tell me how I can do this (I have like hardly any money to spend)
Face tidying up FACIAL HAIR?
Think waxing and plucking is just for women? Not true. There are many men out there who suffer from the infamous unibrow - when two eyebrows appear as one because of a continuous bridge of hair. (For an example, look at this picture of a unibrow victim). If this sounds a little too familiar, then it's time for you to tame those babies. There are two ways to alleviate this problem:
1. Go to a professional salon and have them wax and shape your eyebrows. It will cost around $10-$15. After you get your eyebrows initially waxed, you can maintain them at home by plucking the hairs as they grow back with a pair of tweezers. WE RECOMMEND THIS METHOD! If you accidentally go tweezer-crazy, who knows what kind of damage you may inflict?
2. Pluck 'em yourself. We don't advocate this method, but if you refuse to cough up the $10 or are afraid of salons, it's better than nothing. Just be sure to pluck the middle (that is, any hairs growing on your nose bridge).
Whatever you do, you must not-we repeat, MUST NOT-shave your eyebrows. Not only will the hair grow back faster and thicker, it will also be pretty obvious that you took a razor to 'em. Plucking is the only way to go.
another good article here
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