Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to remove facial hair? Atta treatment?

I have facial hair on my upper lip and I hate it. I want to remove it permanently if possible. Does anyone know if the atta removal where you make a paste with yogurt, besan, and turmeric works? Does it remove the hair permanently or does it just keep growing back? If it does does it get any worse?

How to remove facial hair? Atta treatment?

I think the best way to move facial hair is laser treatment. This may be expensive but it lasts and the hair will not grow back. You will visit them a few times and you will have to go back after the treatment to see how it is getting on and if it needs some last minute changes but other then that is should be fine.

It's good getting treatment that is cheap but on the other hand wouldn't you rather get something that is expensive but last forever?!

Hope this helped.

How to remove facial hair? Atta treatment?

What you are using that basin haldi and yougurt is the best for it since all the grandmas and all used the same thing when you were small so it will defenitely work out.

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