I wanted to know what should I take or what should I do to get more facial hair. It doesn't really grow that much, but wanted to find an alternative medicine or theatment to get facial and body hair.
Please advise.
Thank you all,
What should I take to get facial hair?
internally: rosemary herbs in capsule or tinture form, vitamin E (highest I.Us willing to pay for), Silicia gel (tab or liquid)
externally: apply jojoba oil mixed with rosemary essential oils, clary sage.
if you don't want to use the jojoba oil you can use the Vitamin E oil (again highest I.U.s willing to pay for.)
What should I take to get facial hair?
Take a piece of duck tape, and put it wherever you want to grow your facial hair. Press it on really good, and rip it off. It may hurt, but it's worth it in your case. It really works!
What should I take to get facial hair?
What should I take to get facial hair?
I have no idea why you would want hair considering how many removal products there are out, but shaving can cause hair to grow back coarser and darker, therefor look more noticeable.
If your only a lad puberty should kick in soon and fix your problem.
From a girls perspective, i prefer clean shaven men. It doesn't scratch so much. If you have less hair then you dont have to shave as much.
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