Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why cant i grow facial hair?

Im 19 year old male, i grew in all the othe rhair fine when iw as 16 now im 19 about to turn 20 and i dont have any facial hair at all, last month like 3 tiny black hairs came in on my chin but i shaved it off then they never came back, i look like iam a 16 year old but im jus about 20

Why cant i grow facial hair?

consider yourself lucky, shaving sucks

Why cant i grow facial hair?

its probably genetic or your just a slow bloomer dont worry about it, but if your nervous just go see a doctor

Why cant i grow facial hair?

I know 25yos that are just barely getting facial hair(or still dont have any). It is all in genetics(99% of the time). See if anyone else in your family has had something like this(father, grandfather, uncles). If you have good insurance, go see a doctor(no harm in talking to one, but it is most likely perfectly normal)

Why cant i grow facial hair?

i'm 24 and i just started getting facial hair last year

my dad said he didn't get any until he was 29

we are all different, and hence have different genes

Why cant i grow facial hair?

Im 24 and Im just starting to grow a mustach I like it. It takes time and genetics and all that good stuff. Don't be in too much of a hurry i get tired of shaving my beard every couple of days

Why cant i grow facial hair?

just give it time and ull see you have a beared then u gonna be saying i wish i didnt have a beard to shave every week;)

Why cant i grow facial hair?

First off, be aware that a few races out there don't grow facial hair. If you're a member of one of them then don't waste time waiting for it! :-) Otherwise, give it time. I grew some light hair in high school but just shaved every morning because the wispy stuff looked silly. By my senior year of college I had a terrific beard. Something funny that I learned when I grew my beard out is that not all men can. Seems silly, but I never knew this before. Most men don't see a guy with no facial hair and comment about it, but some men see a guy with a strong beard and will say "I wish I could do that." Some of these guys were in their 30s, one in his 50s. So, I lucked out in that, but it doesn't happen to everyone. If yours doesn't ever come in strong you won't be alone!

If you want to look older you should work on scowling a lot. I'm serious! The little lines it develops around your eyes and forehead can make you look like you're in your 30s, easy. Laughing and smiling a lot work too, but you get funny looks when you run around smiling all the time. But people don't mess with you as much if you walk around with a determined scowl.

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