Monday, April 16, 2012

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

Is facial hair sexy or not? i get quite alot round my chin and sideburns and personally i hate it as i think it puts women off, so what i really want to know is facial hair Sexy or Ugly??

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

each to their own but......

personally i prefer clean shaved although a day/two day old stubble does look rugged and sexy.

my dad's got a beard (he's had it since he was 19) and i remember seeing him eating soup when i was little....eek! the mess.

i think that's what put me off beards and lip hair??

as for side burns i do like them but they have to be well maintained, some I've seen are like tree trunks!!!

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

A bit of stubble is sexy, a bushy beard is not!

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

SORRY, but yeahh it's pretty ugly.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

sideburns- off-putting

chin- deponds on how much u hav- 2 much is offsetting, so u want just a little

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

I don't really like it :D

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

I dont like facial hair.. ergh imagine kissing someone with Velcro on their face...ergh

As for sideburns.. equally off putting.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

It depends....does it grow sporadically? Or is it even? If it's even and not too long then yeah, it's really sexy...but when any facial hair is too long its kinda gross lookin.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

Facial hair doesn't do it for me I'm afraid i think big sideburns are a total turn off

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

i dont really like it...

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

a little is OK like stubs i guess but nothing big my advice if shave and get rid of the sideburns

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

It depends - not nice for a good old snog though!

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

i like it ;)

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

i luuuuuurrrrrrv side burns! personally i think it's very sexy.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

i dont like men with totally shaved faces i think it makes them look a bit feminine

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

Women prefer smooth chins. End of story.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

It depends how much, if it is just stubble then I personally think that is as sexy as anything. If your a dark skinned, dark haired guy, then a bit of stubble would certainly not be off putting, if it is however a bit of a beard, then take my advice, shave it!! Its not a nice look at all. Unless you are about 70.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

Like the rough n Ready look ( Bit of Stubble ) Hehe

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

it depends on the man and the looks good on some men and not on others.....and then women have different preferences.

...but of my experience....some of the guys i've fancied have had facial hair and it hasn't put me off!

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

Well as everyone is different i can only answer for my self. i personally like it i never used to but its grown on me, not literally!!! it goes back centuries human instincts most women like manly men with a bit of a belly and some stubble, as for me personally don't like pretty boys.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

i dont really like it..

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

I don't like sideburns, but a goatee is quite sexy and masculine.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

Yuck I hate facial hair, especially mustaches. A lot of facial hair is a turn off but some stubble is pretty hott if you're like 20 and older.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

I personally think facial hair can look soooooooo sexy!!!! trimmed neat sideburns look good especially if they are level with the bottom of your ear, any higher and you just look wrong like a total geek. A neat goatee is fab too - just remember bushy or patchy facial hair isn't good! Be really confident with your looks and dare to be different xxxxxxxxxxx

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

i love it! its hot. clean face is soo sissy... yuck

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

better question, how bout the hair down there?

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

every woman's different but personally i'm not really into facial hair. it's jaggy.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

Well, it actually all depends on the person who is looking at it. As people always say, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder...

But for me personally, I think that sideburns are just...umm...not my cup of tea. And then again, facial hair on the chin can give one a ruggish look as long as you don't let it grow too long. Sometimes, with the right care and stuff, it makes a guy look hot.

Well, that's just me, but if you have a girlfriend or something, you should ask her instead.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

Nothing beats a clean-shaven face, but as one Greek saying goes (roughly translated): "A kiss without a moustache (involved) is like eating a hard-boiled egg without salt".

This means that a trim, WELL-GROOMED moustache is very SEXY (think of Tom Selleck in the TV show "Magnum P.I." or Wesley Snipes).

Now, a beard is sexy only if it is TAME and TRIM like the one Greg Evigan "wore" in the TV show "My Two Dads" (my top marks go here) OR even the one that the world-famous singing star, George Michael, has been recently sporting, on and off. Honorable mention should also go to the 'ultimate' bearded one, Sir Sean Connery (as seen in the films "Entrapment", "First Knight", etc.)

Consult your local hair salon for the best result that will go with YOUR face.

Now for the ugly and off-putting ...

Stubble is TROUBLE because no girl wants to look like she has a red rash after having been kissed by a prickly ... non-beard.

And a bushy beard is awfully WEIRD. Unless you've been stranded on a deserted island (think Tom Hanks in the movie "Cast Away") without your scissors, clipper or trimmer, then the people in your social circle would just think that you do not care about your appearance.

And we all know that a well-presented appearance matters.

By the way, men having CLEAN and FULLY-CLIPPED nails (on hands AND toes) are also important to girls. So, treat yourself to a professional manicure and pedicure once in a while, because they are NOT just for girls.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

I dont like it. If you kiss a man with facial hair you get stubble rash.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

Goatee's are nice, but NOT thick. Sideburns.....NO, not long Elvis type anyway. If you have a full beard, keep it trimmed, way trimmed.

One for the girls.. is facial hair off putting or sexy???

I think its fantastic on the right guy!

I wouldn't be put off by facial hair atall, a lot of the time its even a turn on!

If you feel that self concious about it then maybe you should just shave it off and see which you prefer, it will always grow back if you want it too. I don't think any woman should feel put off by it, if they do they're not worth the time, it seems like a shallow excuse not to like a bloke for something as minor as some facial hair.

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